Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Haro everybody! :D It was my brother's birthday and I made a Tiramisu birthday cake. This recipe is from a good friend of mine who makes gorgeous Tiramisu. So, Tiramisu always reminds me of her kitchen and my uni days. It also reminds me of one funny evening when another friend and her boyfriend came over to my house and I served them Tiramisu. They arrived half-dead and zombie-like (tired and jet-lagged) and went home perky, hyper and could not shut down for sleep. Must have been the coffee. Hehehe!

I know, I know, I have horrible handwriting. Writing on cakes isn't easy, especially if you want to be fancy-schmancy :P Truthfully, I always dread writing on cakes/cupcakes because I fear people will hate my handwriting so much they think it ruins the cakes. :S

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