Monday, December 14, 2009

Cute Cookies!!

As per requested by Iqa, a pippops.blogspot reader, Pip Pops is adding Sugar Cookies to the Menu! :D Thank You Iqa! To Iqa and everyone else, please keep the suggestions coming! :D

One of my earliest kitchen adventures involved baking cookies. I would bake cookies for Hari Raya, Teacher's Day or just because. I suppose I was quite proud of my cookies. I do have a funny story on a baking incident, but I can't seem to find the photos!! I shall tell you the story once I find them. :D
In the meantime, I'll just show you these Sugar Cookies.

Please note that in these photos, the sugar cookies are iced with egg white as I didn't want to decorate them with Royal Icing as usual since my mother doesn't like sugar much. ( mom's my cookies' number one fan! XD)Hence, the rather frothy icing on the cookies instead of a firm, smooth one. But these photos are simply to give you an idea of Pip Pops Sugar Cookies. :D

Please also note that the Sugar Cookies for sale
will be iced with royal icing instead of egg white. :D The effect will be a smoother, sweeter and firmer icing. :D

Will upload photos of Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing soon. :D

please note that in these photos, the sugar cookies have been decorated with whipped egg white instead of Royal Icing. However, Sugar Cookies for sale will be decorated with Royal Icing for a smoother, firmer look. :D Sounds like skin food! Hehehe!

I SOOOO wanted to make my Ginger Bread Man like Gingy in Shrek! But I completely forgot until I was left with one undecorated Ginger Bread Man, which I completely smudged in red! SOB! Next time I guess. :(

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