Thursday, January 21, 2010

Extra Love: no more free of charge? Oh noooooo!! :(

Dearest patrons and readers,

I apologize for not bringing to light that I have recently made changes to "Extra Love: flags, candles and Happy Birthday Cake Topper" by charging them. (My gratitude to 'Someone' for mentioning this on the chatbox :D)

As much as I would like to keep them free of charge, I regret that I now have to charge them. However, these items will be for Non-Profit (I do not intend to charge them to make profit) as I charge them according to the prices I get at the shops. :D

The rationale behind providing these is to give you more convenience by making Pip Pops a one-stop home bakeshop. For example, you would not need to stop by other places to get birthday candles; you can simply get them from me, hence, saving you time and parking space worries. :)

Similar for the Cupcake flags, it might not seem much to print a few flags. However, when I have to print the flags quite often, it does become very financially noticeable when I am constantly changing my ink cartridges. Yikes!! Hehehe..

I sincerely regret and apologize for having to charge these items now. Kinda embarrassed too! My dad is always against hiking up prices :S

Therefore, I can only humbly hope for your understanding and continued support. I welcome any advice and tips on handling this matter. :D


Pip Pops
I'm sorry.... :(

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