Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I had a request for MUFC's logo which at first I declined to do because I knew I would do such a horrible botched up job! :S Hehehe! I am always worried about how my cakes and frosting will turn out, and that's the simple part, let alone a detailed fondant work. Yikes! Hehehe!

But I am nonetheless thankful that the client insisted I do it for I learned a lot from the experience. It was a whole new world of fondant creation for me. I think I was actually better than I thought I'd be, though, that doesn't mean it was the best looking MU Devil fondant. LOL!! Thank you 98 for the opportunity. I appreciate the kind words and I hope to hear from you again. :D

Although I am seriously considering withdrawing fondants! Hehehe!

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